Monday, December 24, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - 2007!

Our family wishes you the happiest of holiday season’s and hope this next year brings you renewed joy and peace in all of your endeavors.

As a family we have experienced such joy and HAPPINESS this year. To what do I owe these feelings? I am not sure frankly; our lives, maybe like yours, tend to be so multi-dimensional that sometimes it is hard to identify what aspect is driving our feelings and emotions. The struggle to balance the emotional, social, physical, financial and spiritual areas of our lives is ever present. Can you relate? Winning this balancing act been a conscious focus of mine for as long as I can remember…

Hyrum Smith of Franklin-Covey provides clarity. He said, “When what you value most is vertically aligned with what you do each day, you will have a credible claim on inner peace”. It’s been almost twenty years since I first sat in an audience and heard these words. I can honestly say that achieving this alignment has been at the forefront of my own personal quest ever since. This inner peace Hyrum Smith references, can translate into a real sense of meaning and produces feelings of true HAPPINESS.

The dictionary defines HAPPINESS as good fortune, pleasure, contentment, joy. The dictionary goes on to suggest that HAPPINESS results from the possession or attainment of what one considers good: the happiness of visiting one's family. Bliss is unalloyed happiness or supreme delight: the bliss of perfect companionship. Contentment is a peaceful kind of happiness in which one rests without desires, even though every wish may not have been gratified: contentment in one's surroundings.

Although each of us determines our own definition of HAPPINESS, I am certain we would agree that being economically free and financially successful, however one wants to measure it, has a lot to do with our feelings of HAPPINESS. I am not suggesting that economic freedom is the most important objective, but providing the basics of food and shelter, being self-reliant and even improving upon each generation are core desires for most Americans. These economic desires are as real and basic to the human condition as life itself and are often a significant contributor to what one might term, HAPPINESS.

As a young missionary in the Philippines in the late 1970’s, I saw and lived among the very poor. I learned a lot about poverty and the yearnings of the human spirit to improve one’s economic situation. Oh what joy and HAPPINESS I saw as those we served improved their conditions and thereby grew in stature and confidence in their own circumstances. Their growth was often commensurate with their attainment of more education, an applied work ethic and new spiritual distinctions which together improved their earning power and brought new found freedoms. I will never forget my experience in Southeast Asia, for it taught me volumes about gratitude and the freedoms and economic opportunities we can often take for granted in America.

And so, at the close of yet another year, I ask you an important, poignant question:

- Are you experiencing a measured level of HAPPINESS in your own life?

This year's movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness”, staring Will Smith, had a profound impact on me. Its influence prompted me to present each of you a copy of the DVD as my personal gift this holiday season. I mailed these out last week and have received many calls and emails of thanks and gratitude for showcasing Chris Gardner’s great story.

In a broader sense, I believe his story can really be about many of us. A story that says, you can reach your goals and dreams no matter what the struggle, the cost, or the obstacles that might come your way. I have long believed that if it is important enough to you, you will make it happen! We all have stuff in our lives that we need to overcome. As the popular phrase says, “Stuff Happens”.

In many ways Chris’ story tracks well with many of the frustrations and challenges any person might face when attempting to swim against the tide of their own past or difficult circumstances to achieve lasting success. Chris' story is also quite applicable to building a Farmers Agency, no matter what your situation or background…

During your struggles cue up this great movie and watch it over and over again. It will give you new strength, new insights and new hope. It will help you believe that you too....can do it!

May you experience much HAPPINESS in 2008!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Mark McKell, District Manager & Registered Principal

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The "Why"

As a coach, I often feel we spend entirely too much time discussing the “How” and never enough time talking about the “Why.” Clearly the “How” of building a successful Farmers Agency is well chronicled. Our new University of Farmers has organized these success principles into some tremendous business building courses now available to all agents and staff. I encourage you to make this a part of your plan in 2008.

Although vital, understanding the “How” is not the most important element to building a successful agency. By themselves, proven business building steps and techniques will not build anything. The “How” cannot and will never implement itself! It needs the energy and passion of a spirited entrepreneur to bring it to a reality. This energy and passion comes from a core motivation, a dream or desire that becomes the high octane fuel that propels the “How.” What is this fuel? I call it the “Why!”

How much time do you spend thinking about your “Why?” It has been my experience that very little time is spent on this topic and yet it is the most important building block to success. We are told in Proverbs, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Consider these questions:

  • What are your life dreams, goals, objectives, wants and desires?
  • Can you articulate them in a meaningful way?
  • If you could paint a picture of the future, what would it look like? Family? Free Time? Relationships? Personal Income? Freedom? Flexibility? Peace of Mind? Contribution?
  • Can you specifically describe this picture to yourself or better yet someone else?
  • How would you feel if you were able to achieve this?
  • What difference would it make in your life and in the lives of others?
  • When would you like this to happen? Sooner or later?

These thought provoking questions will help you shape your “Why.” Grant Von Harrison, in one of my most favorite books, Drawing on the Powers of Heaven, said, “Desire is more than a mere wish, it is the motivating conviction that moves one to action.” What is your motivating conviction? When properly cultivated, your “Why” will move you to action. Hyrum Smith of the acclaimed Franklin-Covey organization said, “When your daily actions are in concert with your governing values (core motivations) you will experience inner peace.” At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all are searching for, that inner solace and peace of heart that says “all is well.”

And so the introspective question remains, Are your daily actions in concert with what you value most?

Without question, the Farmers Agency Opportunity is the best small business opportunity in America today! With all of the changes and enhancements that have been marshaled in the last 5 years, I cannot think of a better place you could be than right here, right now, with the people you are associated with. Congratulations for your insight and wisdom by positioning yourself in this way. But, make no mistake, Farmers is just a business vehicle. In a sense it is just a “How.” You must apply your burning desire, your “Why,” to make your dreams come true.

As you travel this journey, if you are like me, you will come to intrinsically realize that your own perspectives are limited. To become a high performer you need a coach, mentor and even a relationship with an organization or group of people to help you along your way. Would Michael Jordan have ever reached his incredible success without Phil Jackson, the NBA or a team like the Chiciago Bulls? Of course not! At the lest he needed 4 other players on the court with whom he could interact. For long term success, it always takes some type of team...

I enhanced my support team this year with such an organization and individual. Richard Geno was a business coach before it was fashionable to be one. He has been coaching people to success since the mid 1970’s. Richard built his personal career and substantial fortune over nearly four decades in the financial services field. I could go on and on about Richard, but suffice it to say that Richard is an accomplished business professional and author who walks the walk and spends a significant part of his life helping others achieve what he calls, “The Balanced Life Experience.”

Early in 2006 I joined one of Dan Sullivan’s Goal Cultivator communities along with a handful of other successful District Managers and met Richard who is our course facilitator. The quarterly Goal Cultivator experience has been life changing for me. The experience has added new distinctions and learning methodologies relating to goal setting and living a balanced life that I had never before considered. Dan Sullivan’s materials and insights are simply exceptional. It has been a rich and rewarding experience thus far.

Last year I gave each agent a copy of Richard’s book, The Balanced Life Experience for the Holidays. Knowing Richard personally made reading his book all the more enjoyable. I hope you read his book and enjoyed his comments… I would encourage you to revisit his thoughts from time to time.

As so the question lingers, “Are your daily actions in concert with what you value most?” Spend time with your “Why” and make it a burning desire. If your daily actions are not consistent with your “Why” then make the necessary course corrections to get back on track. The worst thing in life is to look back and have regrets.

Live On Purpose! Dream a little bigger, stretch a little further and you will become who you were meant to be…

Friday, November 16, 2007

But Where Are The Nine?

During this time of Thanksgiving I am reminded of a story in the New Testament which engages our thinking with respect to the topics of thanksgiving and gratitude. It is found in the 17th Chapter of Luke, verses 11 through 17.

“And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.”

And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

With so much to be grateful for in my life I have often asked myself, “Am I like the one who came back to express thanks or is my behavior more like the nine who went their way giving no recognition for what they had received?”

This story urges us to ask ourselves, “How would I respond?”

We have so much to be grateful for… For our freedom, our health and safety, our families, our friendships, our faiths, our favorable circumstances, for our capacity to work and to give and to share with others. Also, for the Farmers organization and for the significant network of support we find ourselves being the beneficiaries of on a daily basis….

The list goes on and on…

It’s overwhelming how much we have in America and the bounteous blessings that are ours. Please take the time to not only express thanks, but to express gratitude. Have you ever wondered what the subtle difference is between expressing thanks and gratitude? Expressing thanks is often a simple verbal expression, but expressions of gratitude are much deeper. Gratitude denotes some form of extended action or service or a measure of contribution relating to that of which we are expressing thanks.

David O. McKay said, “Thankfulness is measured by the number of words; gratitude is measured by the nature of our actions.” What a great rule to live by...


  • If we are thankful for the free country in which we live, then we should vote and let our voices be heard in the American political process.
  • If we are thankful for our families and the relationships we hold dear, then we should spend time with those we love and express our thankfulness through acts of service and kindness.
  • If we are thankful for the favorable economic circumstances that are ours, then we should seek to give back, in our own way, to help others become more successful and self-reliant.

These are individual choices, but what a difference there would be if all of us moved from simply expressing thanks to showing gratitude. Can you imagine the shift in our culture? Can you imagine the impact felt by this outpouring of contribution? Never discount the power of one...

I am reminded of another story that continues to pull at my heart:

“The District of Columbia police auctioned off about 100 unclaimed bicycles Friday. ‘One dollar,’ said an eleven-year-old boy as the bidding opened on the first bike. The bidding, however, went much higher. ‘One dollar,’ the boy repeated hopefully each time another bike came up.

“The auctioneer, who had been auctioning stolen or lost bikes for 43 years, noticed that the boy’s hopes seemed to soar highest whenever a racer was put up.

“There was one racer left. Then the bidding mounted to $8.00. ‘Sold to that boy over there for $9.00,’ said the auctioneer. He took $8.00 from his own pocket and asked the boy for his dollar. The youngster turned it over—in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters—took his bike and started to leave. But he went only a few feet. Carefully parking his new possession, he went back, gratefully threw his arms around the auctioneer’s neck and cried.”

Let us resolve to be more grateful! May each of you enjoy a safe and glorious Thanksgiving Holiday. I express my sincere gratitude to each of you for the goodness that you represent and the hard work that you exemplify in shepherding the needs of others. I continue to pledge my efforts to help you in any way I can to reach the heights that you desire, to experience greatness in your pursuit of happiness!

Have an enjoyable week!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Out of Every Adversity...

Years ago I read a passage that has always stayed with me. It reads,

"Out of every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater benefit"

California has experience its share of adversity in the last couple weeks with the California Wildfire situation. Many have lost their homes and in the process have lost meaningful possessions that trigger heart felt memories of days gone by. There are stories of heroism and valor not to mention loss of life. Once again, the firefighters are to be applauded for their valiant efforts. I was reading over the weekend of a firefighter in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego County, who left his home to help others and in the process loss his own home to the fires. No doubt a true example of "service above self" and although their work is not done, with the Santa Ana winds poised to blow again this weekend, we sense that tomorrow will be a better day.

As expected, Farmers mobilzed their CAT teams and have performed like a first class organization. It's been gratifying to see the Company come together and deliver such good will. For those that helped at the San Bernardino Evacuation Center you know first hand of the team work demonstrated. I received a much broader perspective today as I attended a lunch with three Home Office Senior Vice Presidents of the Company in San Bernardino. They wanted to express their appreciation to the short list of District Managers who helped rally personal and human resources to serve at the San Bdo CAT Center. I pass their thanks on to you and for all of your efforts to help our insureds and those around us.

The lunch conversation turned to the incredible opportunity that lies with each Career Agent, Full-Time Agent and District Manager as a result of the devastating fires.

Opportunity? Yes, this is "the seed of an equal or greater benefit" that I referenced earlier.

What opportunities am I refering to? They are innumerable... Think of it...
  • How about calling every DP3 policy you have to explain the reality of lossing all of their possessions in a fire since their specific policy only covers the structure? You can get this list in your e-CMS.
  • How about sending out Call Me Cards to every insured whom you are missing a phone number or other key information? Consider this plea on a mailing label, "In light of the current 2007 California Wildfires we are updating our records. With respect to your file, we are missing critical information. Please call our office ASAP so we can update your records."
  • How about starting an aggressive Farmers Friendly Review campaign with the intention of updating coverages and documeting your files with respect to recent home improvements and other important household changes? Insureds are more willing than ever to meet with you... The time is right.
  • How about an agressive push to contact your Auto no Home clients? Given the favorable press Farmers has received during the wildfires, hearts and minds are now open for a change. Many insureds are dissatisfied with thier current carrier... What a great time to educate.
  • How about offering to give a speech at your local Rotary, Chamber, Church or PTA organization on emergency prepardness or fire safety? I have done this in a couple Rotary Clubs in Riverside and it was very well received...
  • How about hosting a community event to thank your local fire fighters for their efforts?

The opportunties are all around you. Is the glass half empty or is it half full? In a word, what a great time to help others...

Speaking of thanking your local firefighters, a great moment occured today at my lunch at the Claim Jumper. A party of six San Bdo firefighters were seated near us in an adjacent booth. Noticing this, one of the executives at our table quietly instructed the server that Farmers wanted to pick up the cost of the firefighter's lunch. It was a moment I will not soon forget. At the end of their lunch, learning we had picked up the tab, they all came over to our table to shake each of our hands expressing a sincere thank you for the kind gesture. It was a touching moment as we saluted their selfless service.

Don't let this moment pass you by.

It's time to make lemonade out of lemons...

It's time to plant that seed of an equal or greater benefit...

It's time to help others...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Most Difficult Time...Are Your Clients Prepared?

While working at the Orange Show, San Bernardino, Fire Evacuation Center today I met several people who had lost their homes in the Lake Arrowhead/Crestline fires. What a heartbreaking experience this was for me to speak with these individuals, clearly in shock from this experience. I met many more who had simply been displaced by the raging fires and were seeking shelter and help.

Through it all today, I became once again sooooo..... proud to be associated with Farmers Insuance. What a class act group of people I associated with today... Professionals who were serving others in obviously a most difficult time... The experience clearly hallmarks what Farmers does best,

"Getting You Back Where You Belong".

A FoxNews report on the internet tonight gave this summary of the fires:

Sixteen fires burning for four days across seven counties stretching from Malibu, north of Los Angeles, to the Mexican border, have killed five people, destroyed 1,500 homes, consumed 426,000 acres— or about 665 square miles— and forced almost one million people from their homes—the largest evacuation in the state's history. More than 70,000 homes remained threatened.

New evacuations were ordered Wednesday in San Diego County, the hardest hit area where, officials said, five separate fires have caused more than $1 billion in property damage. The largest of the San Diego County fires has consumed 196,420 acres — about 300 square miles — from Witch Creek to Rancho Santa Fe, destroying 650 homes.

Many emotions flood one's mind during this kind of tradegy, but one topic pressed upon my mind all day...and that was the topic of: PREPAREDNESS.

Are you prepared? Are your clients prepared?

Have you done your best to educate and prepare your clients for the variety of tragic circumstances that can occur in their lives? A house fire, the loss of a loved one, a lawsuit, a frightful auto accident, a long-term illness, etc...

We can always do more, can't we...

Let it always be said of us that we did our best, that each day we took the time to assist in anyway possible to explain, exhort and teach our clients the principles of preparedness and self reliance. What a great opportunity we have. Certainly, the insurance and financial service products you represent can make a big difference in someone's life...

They sure did today.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

"Wow, What a Ride"

Robert E. Adair said,

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a handsome and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ... WOW -- What a Ride."

I love this kind of passion. Have an enjoyable week...

Some quick reminders:

Division Life Symposium, October 16th, 9am - 11am, National University, San Bernardino, CA
VIP Training for Career Agents, October 18th, 12:00pm to 4pm, District Office, Come Hungry
District Meeting, October 19th, 9am - 11am, Janet Goseke Senior Center, Riverside, CA
FEAPAC Golf Tournament, October 30th, Call District Office if Interested...
Life Skins Promotion, Syliva and Lola...Keep it up, you are in the money...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Think of the Possibilities

Norman Vincent Peale said,

"Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities--always see them, for they're always there."

Think of the possiblities. As we begin to get a glimpse of 2008 I have been pondering the possibilities for our District and for each of you as we approach this next year. The future continues to be bright for all of us and yet if you don't know where you are going or can't visualize the end point it becomes a difficult course to pursue... Stephen Covey has often suggested to "start with the end in mind". I wholly concur...

As we begin to wind down 2007 may I recommend you begin to look to next year and the possibilities that await you. Pesonal goals, family pursuits, vacation plans, savings rates, professional development and education and of course, the health of your agency. To assist you with the growth of your process, Farmers has developed a great tool to help you do just this.

It's called the new AgencyBuilder Gateway.

The AgencyBuilder Gateway is a new tool available to all of you for agency planning. Gateway has been created with agents in mind, using methods that come from successful agents across the country. It is a quick and easy way for an agent to evalute the health of their agency and to get personalized recommendations that will direct them to tools to help them grow.

The AgencyBuilder Gateway is available now. How do you find it?

Go to the Managing Page of the Agency Dashboard and you will see towards the bottom left hand side a Gateway banner posted. Just click on this and walk through six easy steps. The whole process should take you no more than 15-20 minutes.

We are asking all of you to visit the Gateway for your 2008 planning by the end of October. We will address this topic with more instruction at our upcoming District Meeting on October 19, 2008 @ 9am a the Janet Goseke Senior Center in Riverside. Same location as our August Meeting... Don't Miss It.

Enjoy the planning process. Think of the Possibilities...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Credit Belongs to Those in the Arena

There are many quotes I enjoy from President Theodore Roosevelt. This is one of them:

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly."

I love this...

Without question, credit goes to those who are in the Arena, those who, day in and day out, fight the good fight. Are you one of those persons? Do you fight the good fight? Are you in the arena and even if struggling, are you daring greatly?

On this note, I just got a Life Performance Bonus check today for one of our Careers. Congratulations to Syliva Monroy for achieveing a Level 1 Life Bonus. This is a significant accomplishment. Sylvia truly expemplifies a person who is in the arena. She fights ever day to grow her agency and to be found on top. Sylvia also wrote 27 NB Property and Casualty polcies last month leading the Careers in this category.

Another person that bears recognition is Katia Barron, another Career Agent, who wrote 9 Life Policies last month and Issued and Paid 9 life policies as well. Another great achievement. Katia wrote and issued and paid more life policies than any Career or FTA in the District during the month of September. She is one of these persons in the arena. Katia has also found an office in Riverside and will be moving out of the District Office soon. This is a great time for Katia and we wish her well in achievements... Incidentally, Katia wrote 26 NB Property & Casualty policies last month.

Want to Grow? Get in the Arena...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Go Out on a Limb

As part of my frequent blogs I hope to share with you each day a meaningful quote that can help set the tone for your day...

As for today, I will reference a plaque on my desk in my home office that speaks volumes to the growth that each of you are trying to accomplish. It reads:

"Don't be afraid to go out on a limb...that's where the fruit is."

It's easy to get comfortable and to stay in our warm cozzy positions, but, if we want to growth and experience life's fruit, we must take a risk. I have never seen anyone win by sitting in the stands.

One to some great info:

I was on a conference call yesterday with our State Executive and so I wanted to pass on some of the key points of the call that I thought would be of interest to you:
  • Combined Ratios - All Lines: 96.6%, Auto: 99.3%, Fire: 94.35%, Speciality: 93%, Commercial: 97%. Its been along time since the company was able to continue to post these kinds of numbers. What does this mean? It means we are building surplus... What does that mean? It means the ability to be flexible on rates, underwriting and investing back into the business in the future... How can you continue to support this? Protecting our rate by continuing to be great field underwriters...
  • New Business Growth Over Prior Year - District 34 was recognized on the Call, by name, for experiencing both Auto and Fire having double digit growth NB growth over the prior year... Congrats to all of you who are growing. If you are not growing over prior year, as discussed in our last District Meeting, then look to all of the initiatives we have been discusseing to change the tide. You can do it...
  • Bristol West - Still no new news... We are held up at the DOI. Our Home Office legal team is working feverishly to get this fixed. Stay tuned...
  • VIP - Data is starting to stream in from around the country on those agents who are using the VIP Proposal System. 10% of agents are now trained on the program. The early data suggests that that agents that are growing the most as to NB are those that are VIP trained... We expected this, but to have the data to support it just validates our better senses... If you have not played with this system, please do so...
  • VIP Training - We have trained the following agents on VIP which includes a block of other topics such as e-CMS, Campaign Management, Reports, Importing, Marketing, Consultative Selling, 5 Step Close, FORE, etc...: Schulz, Atadero, Miller. Costas (10/11) and Forsel (10/15) are scheduled as well as a combined training class for all Career Agents (10/18). I have 10/29 who ever wants it...

Leads, Leads, Leads, - We have a goal to help each agent upload atleast 5,000 leads into your e-CMS Prospecting Campaign. We started this process last week and currently have several agents in the District who are taking advantage of this program.

If you load 5,000 leads and get a 1% response, that's 50 call backs. See and sell 50% of them (25) and you will expereince a nice profit. The average VIP is worth $400 bucks so you do the math. Postcards are $.30 and the campaign sends out 2 per year. Ad Aid is available so your costs are 50% of that! The numbers work...

It is quite a process to download leads from InfoUSA and then upload them into e-CMS. I have committed the District resources to make this happen. This is a huge project! Thank you to Marc Pavlick who is teaching my Reserve Class today so I can focus on this project. We are currently working with 8-10 agencies who have provided their preferred zip codes, search criteria and dashboard access fields so we can upload the data. Once uploaded you are in a great place to do repeat marketing at will... The more I dig into e-CMS it is truly awesome.

Send us your info so we can help you grow.

Have a great day.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Mud Hole is Now Open...

What a momentous occasion!

I have been considering the idea of starting my own blog for months....and now it's a reality. No fan fare, no marching band, no popping ballons, no grand opening, just a quiet initial post that calmly states, "the mud hole is now open". Let the horn sharpening begin!