Monday, December 24, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - 2007!

Our family wishes you the happiest of holiday season’s and hope this next year brings you renewed joy and peace in all of your endeavors.

As a family we have experienced such joy and HAPPINESS this year. To what do I owe these feelings? I am not sure frankly; our lives, maybe like yours, tend to be so multi-dimensional that sometimes it is hard to identify what aspect is driving our feelings and emotions. The struggle to balance the emotional, social, physical, financial and spiritual areas of our lives is ever present. Can you relate? Winning this balancing act been a conscious focus of mine for as long as I can remember…

Hyrum Smith of Franklin-Covey provides clarity. He said, “When what you value most is vertically aligned with what you do each day, you will have a credible claim on inner peace”. It’s been almost twenty years since I first sat in an audience and heard these words. I can honestly say that achieving this alignment has been at the forefront of my own personal quest ever since. This inner peace Hyrum Smith references, can translate into a real sense of meaning and produces feelings of true HAPPINESS.

The dictionary defines HAPPINESS as good fortune, pleasure, contentment, joy. The dictionary goes on to suggest that HAPPINESS results from the possession or attainment of what one considers good: the happiness of visiting one's family. Bliss is unalloyed happiness or supreme delight: the bliss of perfect companionship. Contentment is a peaceful kind of happiness in which one rests without desires, even though every wish may not have been gratified: contentment in one's surroundings.

Although each of us determines our own definition of HAPPINESS, I am certain we would agree that being economically free and financially successful, however one wants to measure it, has a lot to do with our feelings of HAPPINESS. I am not suggesting that economic freedom is the most important objective, but providing the basics of food and shelter, being self-reliant and even improving upon each generation are core desires for most Americans. These economic desires are as real and basic to the human condition as life itself and are often a significant contributor to what one might term, HAPPINESS.

As a young missionary in the Philippines in the late 1970’s, I saw and lived among the very poor. I learned a lot about poverty and the yearnings of the human spirit to improve one’s economic situation. Oh what joy and HAPPINESS I saw as those we served improved their conditions and thereby grew in stature and confidence in their own circumstances. Their growth was often commensurate with their attainment of more education, an applied work ethic and new spiritual distinctions which together improved their earning power and brought new found freedoms. I will never forget my experience in Southeast Asia, for it taught me volumes about gratitude and the freedoms and economic opportunities we can often take for granted in America.

And so, at the close of yet another year, I ask you an important, poignant question:

- Are you experiencing a measured level of HAPPINESS in your own life?

This year's movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness”, staring Will Smith, had a profound impact on me. Its influence prompted me to present each of you a copy of the DVD as my personal gift this holiday season. I mailed these out last week and have received many calls and emails of thanks and gratitude for showcasing Chris Gardner’s great story.

In a broader sense, I believe his story can really be about many of us. A story that says, you can reach your goals and dreams no matter what the struggle, the cost, or the obstacles that might come your way. I have long believed that if it is important enough to you, you will make it happen! We all have stuff in our lives that we need to overcome. As the popular phrase says, “Stuff Happens”.

In many ways Chris’ story tracks well with many of the frustrations and challenges any person might face when attempting to swim against the tide of their own past or difficult circumstances to achieve lasting success. Chris' story is also quite applicable to building a Farmers Agency, no matter what your situation or background…

During your struggles cue up this great movie and watch it over and over again. It will give you new strength, new insights and new hope. It will help you believe that you too....can do it!

May you experience much HAPPINESS in 2008!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Mark McKell, District Manager & Registered Principal