Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Out of Every Adversity...

Years ago I read a passage that has always stayed with me. It reads,

"Out of every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater benefit"

California has experience its share of adversity in the last couple weeks with the California Wildfire situation. Many have lost their homes and in the process have lost meaningful possessions that trigger heart felt memories of days gone by. There are stories of heroism and valor not to mention loss of life. Once again, the firefighters are to be applauded for their valiant efforts. I was reading over the weekend of a firefighter in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego County, who left his home to help others and in the process loss his own home to the fires. No doubt a true example of "service above self" and although their work is not done, with the Santa Ana winds poised to blow again this weekend, we sense that tomorrow will be a better day.

As expected, Farmers mobilzed their CAT teams and have performed like a first class organization. It's been gratifying to see the Company come together and deliver such good will. For those that helped at the San Bernardino Evacuation Center you know first hand of the team work demonstrated. I received a much broader perspective today as I attended a lunch with three Home Office Senior Vice Presidents of the Company in San Bernardino. They wanted to express their appreciation to the short list of District Managers who helped rally personal and human resources to serve at the San Bdo CAT Center. I pass their thanks on to you and for all of your efforts to help our insureds and those around us.

The lunch conversation turned to the incredible opportunity that lies with each Career Agent, Full-Time Agent and District Manager as a result of the devastating fires.

Opportunity? Yes, this is "the seed of an equal or greater benefit" that I referenced earlier.

What opportunities am I refering to? They are innumerable... Think of it...
  • How about calling every DP3 policy you have to explain the reality of lossing all of their possessions in a fire since their specific policy only covers the structure? You can get this list in your e-CMS.
  • How about sending out Call Me Cards to every insured whom you are missing a phone number or other key information? Consider this plea on a mailing label, "In light of the current 2007 California Wildfires we are updating our records. With respect to your file, we are missing critical information. Please call our office ASAP so we can update your records."
  • How about starting an aggressive Farmers Friendly Review campaign with the intention of updating coverages and documeting your files with respect to recent home improvements and other important household changes? Insureds are more willing than ever to meet with you... The time is right.
  • How about an agressive push to contact your Auto no Home clients? Given the favorable press Farmers has received during the wildfires, hearts and minds are now open for a change. Many insureds are dissatisfied with thier current carrier... What a great time to educate.
  • How about offering to give a speech at your local Rotary, Chamber, Church or PTA organization on emergency prepardness or fire safety? I have done this in a couple Rotary Clubs in Riverside and it was very well received...
  • How about hosting a community event to thank your local fire fighters for their efforts?

The opportunties are all around you. Is the glass half empty or is it half full? In a word, what a great time to help others...

Speaking of thanking your local firefighters, a great moment occured today at my lunch at the Claim Jumper. A party of six San Bdo firefighters were seated near us in an adjacent booth. Noticing this, one of the executives at our table quietly instructed the server that Farmers wanted to pick up the cost of the firefighter's lunch. It was a moment I will not soon forget. At the end of their lunch, learning we had picked up the tab, they all came over to our table to shake each of our hands expressing a sincere thank you for the kind gesture. It was a touching moment as we saluted their selfless service.

Don't let this moment pass you by.

It's time to make lemonade out of lemons...

It's time to plant that seed of an equal or greater benefit...

It's time to help others...