Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The "Why"

As a coach, I often feel we spend entirely too much time discussing the “How” and never enough time talking about the “Why.” Clearly the “How” of building a successful Farmers Agency is well chronicled. Our new University of Farmers has organized these success principles into some tremendous business building courses now available to all agents and staff. I encourage you to make this a part of your plan in 2008.

Although vital, understanding the “How” is not the most important element to building a successful agency. By themselves, proven business building steps and techniques will not build anything. The “How” cannot and will never implement itself! It needs the energy and passion of a spirited entrepreneur to bring it to a reality. This energy and passion comes from a core motivation, a dream or desire that becomes the high octane fuel that propels the “How.” What is this fuel? I call it the “Why!”

How much time do you spend thinking about your “Why?” It has been my experience that very little time is spent on this topic and yet it is the most important building block to success. We are told in Proverbs, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Consider these questions:

  • What are your life dreams, goals, objectives, wants and desires?
  • Can you articulate them in a meaningful way?
  • If you could paint a picture of the future, what would it look like? Family? Free Time? Relationships? Personal Income? Freedom? Flexibility? Peace of Mind? Contribution?
  • Can you specifically describe this picture to yourself or better yet someone else?
  • How would you feel if you were able to achieve this?
  • What difference would it make in your life and in the lives of others?
  • When would you like this to happen? Sooner or later?

These thought provoking questions will help you shape your “Why.” Grant Von Harrison, in one of my most favorite books, Drawing on the Powers of Heaven, said, “Desire is more than a mere wish, it is the motivating conviction that moves one to action.” What is your motivating conviction? When properly cultivated, your “Why” will move you to action. Hyrum Smith of the acclaimed Franklin-Covey organization said, “When your daily actions are in concert with your governing values (core motivations) you will experience inner peace.” At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all are searching for, that inner solace and peace of heart that says “all is well.”

And so the introspective question remains, Are your daily actions in concert with what you value most?

Without question, the Farmers Agency Opportunity is the best small business opportunity in America today! With all of the changes and enhancements that have been marshaled in the last 5 years, I cannot think of a better place you could be than right here, right now, with the people you are associated with. Congratulations for your insight and wisdom by positioning yourself in this way. But, make no mistake, Farmers is just a business vehicle. In a sense it is just a “How.” You must apply your burning desire, your “Why,” to make your dreams come true.

As you travel this journey, if you are like me, you will come to intrinsically realize that your own perspectives are limited. To become a high performer you need a coach, mentor and even a relationship with an organization or group of people to help you along your way. Would Michael Jordan have ever reached his incredible success without Phil Jackson, the NBA or a team like the Chiciago Bulls? Of course not! At the lest he needed 4 other players on the court with whom he could interact. For long term success, it always takes some type of team...

I enhanced my support team this year with such an organization and individual. Richard Geno was a business coach before it was fashionable to be one. He has been coaching people to success since the mid 1970’s. Richard built his personal career and substantial fortune over nearly four decades in the financial services field. I could go on and on about Richard, but suffice it to say that Richard is an accomplished business professional and author who walks the walk and spends a significant part of his life helping others achieve what he calls, “The Balanced Life Experience.”

Early in 2006 I joined one of Dan Sullivan’s Goal Cultivator communities along with a handful of other successful District Managers and met Richard who is our course facilitator. The quarterly Goal Cultivator experience has been life changing for me. The experience has added new distinctions and learning methodologies relating to goal setting and living a balanced life that I had never before considered. Dan Sullivan’s materials and insights are simply exceptional. It has been a rich and rewarding experience thus far.

Last year I gave each agent a copy of Richard’s book, The Balanced Life Experience for the Holidays. Knowing Richard personally made reading his book all the more enjoyable. I hope you read his book and enjoyed his comments… I would encourage you to revisit his thoughts from time to time.

As so the question lingers, “Are your daily actions in concert with what you value most?” Spend time with your “Why” and make it a burning desire. If your daily actions are not consistent with your “Why” then make the necessary course corrections to get back on track. The worst thing in life is to look back and have regrets.

Live On Purpose! Dream a little bigger, stretch a little further and you will become who you were meant to be…


Richard said...

Great Message.


aaron said...

I just read this again, such great words. I am working on the Why. thanks Dad!